Screens can be filtered by name, screen schemes or workflows.
Searchable items:
Name | Screen Schemes | Workflows |
| | |
Image Removed
Easy heading |
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. This will make it easier for you to locate your field provide subtle | true |
BLUE IDssubtle | trueYellowYELLOW IDs
Image Removed schemes schemes also have an ID. They Searchable items:
Name | name or issue type screen scheme. IDName |
Image Removed
Issue type screen schemes
Issue type screen name project They also provide a searchable ID.Searchable items:
Name | Projects |
| |
Image Removed
Style |
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Search & Filter across JiraBulk Delete in Jira administration
Insert excerpt |
| _support Admin Toolbox |
| _support Admin Toolbox |
name | _support admin toolbox |
nopanel | true |