Admin Toolbox for Jira

Enhanced admin features and admin views

Admin Toolbox for Jira enhances almost every configuration page of the Jira administration. The additional views and features are a must-have for anyone who takes Jira administration seriously. Dealing with each page in the administration is enhanced by Admin Toolbox for Jira for improved usability and better display of the information.

  • Smart View - instead of cluttered configuration overview pages, Smart view provides a condensed view of each element reducing the noise.

  • Filtering and searching - all configuration pages come with advanced searching and filtering capabilities to quickly find the elements that you want to update.

  • Additional information - vital information such as IDs or search templates are no longer hidden but where they belong - in the spotlight.

  • Drag and drop again - no need to click 40 times to move a newly created status to where it belongs, the top of the list - simply drag and drop most of Jira's system entities like statuses & resolutions.

  • Clean up - Use the bulk delete feature to quickly clean up unused system entities on the spot.


Add some fun to workflow configuration

Managing workflows can be a tedious and complex endeavor, but it doesn't have to be. Admin Toolbox for Jira offers features that you didn't even know you would miss, such as:

  • Copy and paste transitions - the entire transition or only parts of it - from any active or draft workflow in your Jira instance to reuse them with a single click.

  • Drag and drop workflow elements - frustrated by manually having to update the order of conditions, validators, and post functions - one by one? Simply drag and drop the elements and you're done.

  • Rearrange transitions - the opsbar-sequence property is quite powerful, but almost impossible to maintain. Simply drag and drop transitions to automatically adjust their opsbar-sequence value in an intuitive user interface.

  • Properties panel - workflow properties are essential but almost a hidden, error-prone feature. Now you can easily access and configure them in a dedicated panel with a built-in drop-down listing available properties. 


Troubleshooting made easy - log in as any other user

The easiest way to troubleshoot and test configurations is to test out scenarios as different users. With Admin Toolbox for Jira other user accounts are just a "switch" away.

  • Quick access - Use the shortcut "g+u" to quickly switch to any user you need.

  • Transparency is key - any user switch operation will be logged in the audit log to clearly identify any impersonations.

  • Security is crucial - by default only Jira system administrators can use this feature. Access to this feature can be additionally delegated to trusted groups.

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Workflow analysis and app usage report

Report on your workflow configurations and workflow app usage with the comprehensive Workflow report. The replacement or consolidation of workflow apps has never been easier!

  • Central information hub - have all workflow information and more in one place, searchable & filterable.

  • Analyze usage - quickly analyze which elements have been configured in each workflow and even drill down to individual transitions.

  • Identify problems - detect errors in workflow configurations and jump right in to make edits and fix them.


If you still have questions, feel free to refer to our support. You can also download our app from the Marketplace.