Copy & Paste Workflow Transitions

You can copy & paste an entire transition from one workflow to another via the copy button. This is accessible on both the text and the diagram view.

Copy & paste entire workflow transitions

Whether you prefer to work in text or diagram mode, a Copy Transition button will let you choose a transition you want to copy and paste.

atb workflow copy transition.png

When switching to the diagram view, the copy button is directly available inside the toolbar.

In addition, the Copy button is also available in the diagram view when selecting a transition.

atb copy two in one.png

Upon clicking on the Copy button the Copy Transition function comes with a selection of options you can choose from: 



Source workflow

Specify the workflow that contains the transition you want to copy.

Source Transition

Specify the transition you want to copy & paste.

From status

Choose the status in your current workflow the transition will "start" from. Only statuses present in your current workflow will be listed.

To status

Choose the status in your current workflow the transition will transition to. Only statuses present in your current workflow will be listed.


Choose the name of the new transition. The name will be checked before adding the new transition to prevent duplicate names.



Define a description that will be displayed while hovering over the transition on the view issue screen.


You can define a specific transition screen. If left empty, the transition screen of the source transition (if existing) will be used.


Choose which workflow elements will be copied: Conditions, validators, post functions, and /or transitions properties.

If you still have questions, feel free to refer to our support team.